Friday, February 27, 2009

Did you just call me a Sheep…?

John 10:14
14"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—

As I write this I am pondering my life and frankly I am a little embarrassed by the up and down nature of my emotions. One day I can take on the world, yet the next I don’t want to get out of bed. Someone may speak a word of encouragement to me and I'll feel a swell of confidence about who I am, yet I can soon be hit with a crippling sense of insecurity. I believe the rollercoaster nature of my life comes down to my search for identity. I am constantly searching for who I am. Each day I subconsciously compile information about myself… do people seem to like me… do I make them laugh… do they think I’m someone… was I noticed for the job I did at work? I then take all the information, add it up and draw a conclusion. If I don’t like the result I may try and be someone different the next day. No wonder my attitude about myself varies so much from moment to moment! God never meant for me to spend so much of my efforts on this search for self. He very clearly told me who I am and gave me a metaphor to help me remember. He called me a sheep… A sheep!

Could He not have found a better metaphor? How about one I can identify with a little easier! Maybe an eagle soaring proudly through a canyon or say a fierce lion taking down a wildebeest… something… anything… just not a sheep!! Sheep are the dumbest animals on the face of the earth! A Sheep can drown in a mud puddle or plunge to its death because one of its buddies walks off a cliff. A sheep can’t even turn themselves over when they roll on their back (I may have put on some weight, but I am not to that point yet). Is God just insulting me or is there perhaps something else to be drawn from this comparison?

I think God meant the comparison to be a gift that ends our struggle for identity. Think for a moment about the other animals. An eagle draws confidence from the power of its wings or a lion from the strength of it jaw. A sheep however, is completely dependant on its shepherd for its well being. A good shepherd is always preparing the pasture for his flock, if the pasture is no longer just right, he will move them to a better place. Sheep can not protect themselves; therefore, a good shepherd must be on constant alert for predators. Sheep are so prone to wander that the shepherd must always be ready to go after them and bring them back to the safety of his pasture. Healthy and unhealthy sheep are no different from each other; each is equally unable to care for its needs, each has the same tendencies and faults. Healthy sheep are only identified as such because of the meticulous care of their shepherd. The same is true for me. When I can humbly admit that I am just a simple sheep, I can cease trying to find my identity in anything other than my Shepherd. Here I find the freedom to trust in His strength and no longer feel the need to prove my own. I can begin to rest knowing the Shepherd is attentive to my needs. I will find my significance in my Shepherds call to be part His flock. No longer do I need to discover who I am, because I have found my identity… I am a sheep of the good Shepherd!

Micah 5:4
4 He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Heart of a Father

I am a proud (very proud) father of a nearly 6 month old little girl. She has come into our life and turned everything on its head! Sleep is no longer a simple pleasure, instead several hours of sleep in a row is now something to be celebrated! She is the smallest member of our household, yet she is also the most demanding. Most of the day is spent making sure her needs are met… did she sleep enough… eat enough… get her bath… is her diaper clean? After all that work the least she could do is say thank you!!! I do all this for her even though she can do nothing for me. Yet, I love her deeper than I ever thought possible! It is a joy just to hold her. I would give my life for her without a second thought. My daughter is giving me a clearer understanding of unconditional love. I desire nothing from her, other than her own happiness. I know as I walk down the road of fatherhood the limits of my own humanity will begin to interfere with this picture of love. I know my selfishness, pride, and insecurity will cloud the heart of the Father working through me. However, the heart that beats in me for my little girl is giving me a clearer picture of the Father’s heart. When I am confronted by the limits of my own humanity I am overjoyed by the perfect love of God. If my broken and frail heart can love this little child so deeply, what must the love of God actually be like? If I can be overcome with joy by her simple smile, how much more must this be true of God? If I can deeply desire my daughter’s highest good, how great must God’s plan for us truly be? If my heart is gripped by the tears and pain of my child, must God not also be attentive to our cries?

God is supremely powerful and completely perfect in His being. There is no end to the depths of His wisdom. He is in need of nothing and His goodness, mercy, and love will never change nor alter. Yet, He chose to be identified as Father! A father unlike any we have known on earth, a father who knows the deepest hurts of his children and responds with His healing embrace. A Father of truly unconditional, perfect love… He fully loves us even though we can give nothing back! At the core of this great and mighty God beats the loving, warm and protecting heart of a father… what a joy and honor to be the objects of His affection!!!
Galatians 4:6 6
Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."

Monday, February 16, 2009

Economic Prospective

All the talk these days seems to be about ‘this economy’! It seems all the voices around me are telling me to be afraid. In the midst of all that seems to be failing around me, I am left with one question... can I trust Him? When I allow my fear to tell me He can not be trusted I want to run to my own strength. Yet, the circumstances around me have shown me the pointlessness of my own self reliance. I am left with no other option but to trust Him. However, this leaves me with a problem... I don't really know Him. I know only a broken image of Him. I have created a god of my own imagination, an image formed out of my own brokenness. If I am going to trust Him, I must know the truth of Him. No longer can I settle for our culture’s definition of His goodness. I must know the unfathomable reaches of His goodness. I must learn of His grace that is beyond limits. If I am to live this life in faith then I must know Him beyond the bounds of knowledge to the point of experience. I must let go of my picture of Him and allow the image that only the brush in the Master’s hand can paint. I must let go of my imperfect view of Him and allow His presence to reveal the perfection of Him. I want to live through this time in relationship with Him, a relationship that allows me to fully drink from the wonder of Him.

This is truly a difficult time in terms of the world’s economy! However, I believe we can look back on this time as the most blessed! God is revealing Himself in the midst of all the madness. The truths of the Kingdom of God are on display and this is our chance to let go of cultural Christianity and grab hold of our God as never before. God is calling us to the adventure of truly living in His care. Let Him use the fear around you to bring you to the lasting peace of resting in His gentle hands… What a time to be a Christian!!!

Jeremiah 17:7-8
7 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

Saturday, February 7, 2009

God Revealed

7”If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” (John 14:7)

Imagine what was in the minds of the disciples at this statement. They had grown up with stories of God far different from what they had seen in Jesus. The accounts of God speaking forth creation, and delivering His people from Egypt would have no doubt given them a picture into the power of God. They would have heard stories of God leading His people as a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. Stories of Mount Sinai covered in smoke with thunder and lighting flashing as God descends to inscribe the 10 commandments would have brought thoughts of God’s might and holiness. The God they had imagined was powerful, yet unapproachable and frightening…

Jesus however, had intoxicated them! When he said follow me they could not say no, he had captured them. He was warm, inviting, and amazing. They would recall their trip to the little town of Nain [Luke 7:11-15] and the shock they felt as Jesus barged into a funeral to comfort a woman who and lost her only son. They remember the tenderness in his voice as he tells her not to cry and the wonder they felt as his touch raised the man to life. They’ll never forget the joyous smile Jesus had on his face as he gave the woman back her son. Or maybe they would remember how indignant Jesus became as they tried to keep the little children [Mark 10:13-1] from him and how quickly his indignation turned to tenderness as he held the children in his arms.

How could this Jesus who they had lived with, prayed with, cried with, and even laughed with be the God who created them? How could he be the God they had longed to know, but had always feared? Could it be true that God was among them and that he had longed for them to know Him?
Could it be true for us? How could the great and powerful God of heaven have come to earth so that we could know Him? Know him not as a flame in a bush, or as a fire in the sky. But to know him as he truly is, a God of compassion and love. He is a God who reacts to the hurting of his people and who holds His children tenderly in His arms. Now thanks to Jesus we have a glimpse into the nature of God and access to His presence. There starts the amazing journey of letting the knowledge of Him captivate our minds and change our hearts…