Saturday, February 7, 2009

God Revealed

7”If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” (John 14:7)

Imagine what was in the minds of the disciples at this statement. They had grown up with stories of God far different from what they had seen in Jesus. The accounts of God speaking forth creation, and delivering His people from Egypt would have no doubt given them a picture into the power of God. They would have heard stories of God leading His people as a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night. Stories of Mount Sinai covered in smoke with thunder and lighting flashing as God descends to inscribe the 10 commandments would have brought thoughts of God’s might and holiness. The God they had imagined was powerful, yet unapproachable and frightening…

Jesus however, had intoxicated them! When he said follow me they could not say no, he had captured them. He was warm, inviting, and amazing. They would recall their trip to the little town of Nain [Luke 7:11-15] and the shock they felt as Jesus barged into a funeral to comfort a woman who and lost her only son. They remember the tenderness in his voice as he tells her not to cry and the wonder they felt as his touch raised the man to life. They’ll never forget the joyous smile Jesus had on his face as he gave the woman back her son. Or maybe they would remember how indignant Jesus became as they tried to keep the little children [Mark 10:13-1] from him and how quickly his indignation turned to tenderness as he held the children in his arms.

How could this Jesus who they had lived with, prayed with, cried with, and even laughed with be the God who created them? How could he be the God they had longed to know, but had always feared? Could it be true that God was among them and that he had longed for them to know Him?
Could it be true for us? How could the great and powerful God of heaven have come to earth so that we could know Him? Know him not as a flame in a bush, or as a fire in the sky. But to know him as he truly is, a God of compassion and love. He is a God who reacts to the hurting of his people and who holds His children tenderly in His arms. Now thanks to Jesus we have a glimpse into the nature of God and access to His presence. There starts the amazing journey of letting the knowledge of Him captivate our minds and change our hearts…