I am a proud (very proud) father of a nearly 6 month old little girl. She has come into our life and turned everything on its head! Sleep is no longer a simple pleasure, instead several hours of sleep in a row is now something to be celebrated! She is the smallest member of our household, yet she is also the most demanding. Most of the day is spent making sure her needs are met… did she sleep enough… eat enough… get her bath… is her diaper clean? After all that work the least she could do is say thank you!!! I do all this for her even though she can do nothing for me. Yet, I love her deeper than I ever thought possible! It is a joy just to hold her. I would give my life for her without a second thought. My daughter is giving me a clearer understanding of unconditional love. I desire nothing from her, other than her own happiness. I know as I walk down the road of fatherhood the limits of my own humanity will begin to interfere with this picture of love. I know my selfishness, pride, and insecurity will cloud the heart of the Father working through me. However, the heart that beats in me for my little girl is giving me a clearer picture of the Father’s heart. When I am confronted by the limits of my own humanity I am overjoyed by the perfect love of God. If my broken and frail heart can love this little child so deeply, what must the love of God actually be like? If I can be overcome with joy by her simple smile, how much more must this be true of God? If I can deeply desire my daughter’s highest good, how great must God’s plan for us truly be? If my heart is gripped by the tears and pain of my child, must God not also be attentive to our cries?
God is supremely powerful and completely perfect in His being. There is no end to the depths of His wisdom. He is in need of nothing and His goodness, mercy, and love will never change nor alter. Yet, He chose to be identified as Father! A father unlike any we have known on earth, a father who knows the deepest hurts of his children and responds with His healing embrace. A Father of truly unconditional, perfect love… He fully loves us even though we can give nothing back! At the core of this great and mighty God beats the loving, warm and protecting heart of a father… what a joy and honor to be the objects of His affection!!!
Galatians 4:6 6
Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father."