Monday, February 16, 2009

Economic Prospective

All the talk these days seems to be about ‘this economy’! It seems all the voices around me are telling me to be afraid. In the midst of all that seems to be failing around me, I am left with one question... can I trust Him? When I allow my fear to tell me He can not be trusted I want to run to my own strength. Yet, the circumstances around me have shown me the pointlessness of my own self reliance. I am left with no other option but to trust Him. However, this leaves me with a problem... I don't really know Him. I know only a broken image of Him. I have created a god of my own imagination, an image formed out of my own brokenness. If I am going to trust Him, I must know the truth of Him. No longer can I settle for our culture’s definition of His goodness. I must know the unfathomable reaches of His goodness. I must learn of His grace that is beyond limits. If I am to live this life in faith then I must know Him beyond the bounds of knowledge to the point of experience. I must let go of my picture of Him and allow the image that only the brush in the Master’s hand can paint. I must let go of my imperfect view of Him and allow His presence to reveal the perfection of Him. I want to live through this time in relationship with Him, a relationship that allows me to fully drink from the wonder of Him.

This is truly a difficult time in terms of the world’s economy! However, I believe we can look back on this time as the most blessed! God is revealing Himself in the midst of all the madness. The truths of the Kingdom of God are on display and this is our chance to let go of cultural Christianity and grab hold of our God as never before. God is calling us to the adventure of truly living in His care. Let Him use the fear around you to bring you to the lasting peace of resting in His gentle hands… What a time to be a Christian!!!

Jeremiah 17:7-8
7 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."