I let go of the idea of control. I have longed to take the reins of my life for I do not trust you. I do not believe that you can provide the safety for which my control attempts to obtain. However, I have nowhere else to turn, I am fully and painfully aware that my sense of control is but an illusion and that my kingdom is but a pretense. So, here I am, trembling in fear for I must surrender my command. I confess my desire is to flee from you and return to a place of my own rule, yet I choose to stay here trembling at your feet fully aware of my defeat. In this moment I let my kingdom fall in surrender to you the only true King. As I stand in the rubble of my shattered reign, I am overcome by your Majesty and I proclaim you my King! You have overthrown my kingdom and what a joyous relief! No longer do I bear the weight of my kingship; I have been defeated by the King of Love. In your kindness you have removed me from my throne for I was enslaved by my own rule. However, what I had been deeply longing for was the freedom that comes from being in the care of the one true King. I am finally safe in the tender embrace of the all powerful, never changing, King! What a blessed defeat!