If it is true that God can be clearly seen and be understood by looking at what He has made, I think we would be wise to stop and listen to what creation is saying! I do not wish to engage in a debate around the politics (and there are a lot of politics!) of the climate change movement, rather I want to listen to what the planet is revealing about God and to take a moment to stand in awe of He who creates.
I believe we have been called to steward this planet well, however the key to being a good steward is an understanding of ownership. The moment a steward takes ownership of that which has been entrusted to him, he is no longer acting in the best interest of the owner. It is my belief that mankind has taken ownership of creation. We have banded together to proclaimed our reign as the gods of the universe. In order to maintain our role as the center of all, we have had to deafen our ears to the loud cries of the planet as it proclaims God the rightful ruler. Rather than teaching our children to awe at the beauty, order, and artistry of the masterwork of God, we instead fill them with the fear that the planet is on a tight rope and that we are to save the world. These tactics are filling our children with fear and anxiety while ignoring the fact that God is the one who holds the universe in the palm of His hand. We buy into the lie that this place is a fortunate accident just waiting to undo itself. We point to the fact that the balance needed to sustain life is so complex and fragile and therefore we must be the ones to control it. However, the complexity of earths design should begin to open our ears to the voice of creation pointing to the infinite unfathomable creator.
Think of the course of human history and the foresight of our God as He spoke and continues to speak the world into order. If you take the view that the earth appeared from some primordial soup, how do we account for the resilience of this rock we all occupy! How does this happy accident continue to sustain a massive population of nearly 7 billion? How do you explain the built in sustainability of this planet? We have forested nearly 83% of the worlds forest (a fact that is used to insight fear in our children) yet we currently have more forest than we did 100 years ago (a fact not told to our children). The forest can be reborn, why? Consider our carbon output, this is a source of much fear and controversy, yet to me this is another sign pointing to the amazing design of this planet! Our carbon output has increased dramatically since the dawn of the industrial age; however the ocean still continues to be able to process the increased output with no sign of reaching capacity. What a testament to the foreknowledge and grace of God, before the industrial age was even a thought, He had already built the perfect system to handle man’s advancements as well as our gross mismanagement. Are we to believe it’s just a 1 in a trillion shot that this planet came with a built in system to process man’s future endeavors? What a fortunate turn of events that every part of this place is designed for sustainability! What luck that the seasons change, the crops bloom, the rains replenish, and that the seas cleanse. God designed this planet to work! Don’t you think it is time to stand up and give all the glory and praise to the Creator and cease to bow down to His creation?
Consider our arrogance as humans for a moment; we have determined we know how to maintain this delicate balance! Take China for an example, with a soaring population and fear of not being able to sustain the growth, they enact strict population controls and tragically end the life of innumerable voiceless babies. What is the result of our own management? China now faces a population in sharp decline and the reality of not enough new life to sustain the country. How about our constant attempts to be Lord of the animal kingdom, we do not want an animal to go extinct because we determine it is not supposed to be. However, how many times have our efforts to re-introduce a species only done more damage to the delicate balance of the eco system? We never stop to seek the voice of the author of life; perhaps He truly meant that there was a time and season for everything under the sun. Perhaps each aspect of life is part of His perfect plan, and He knows when the purpose of each of His creations has been fulfilled.
I am not saying we should not care for our planet! I am only saying we should remove ourselves from the center of the universe and bow our knee to the God who made life to work. We should stop pretending to know best and thank God for His grace as He repairs and restores this home which we are unable to hold together. The greatest tragedy to me is that we have completely sold ourselves to a cause that we have very little control over, yet so many of us are not consumed with the real brokenness of this planet! The fact that as I sit to type these words thousands of children are dying of hunger is WRONG! Let’s cash in our carbon credits and spend them on orphans and widows! I can’t help but dream of what could be done if we all banded together and proclaimed Him ruler of the planet and spent our days consumed with bringing His healing to the broken! Isn’t it time to set our children free from the fear that the earth is on the brink and allow them the peace and confidence that comes from being in the masterfully care of the God who created them? Maybe then we could raise up a generation full of love for their fellowman and a passion to right the wrongs of injustice…