I then told her how silly it is to be afraid of a vacuum cleaner! I told her that next time she has such an irrational response to her emotions she should try and work it out herself before involving me… Of course I didn't say that! I didn't care that her fears were irrational! I only cared that she was afraid and hurting. Nothing could have stopped me from comforting her! However, how often I handle my own irrational fears and immaturity as though God's response to me would be as I described above. I spend so much time 'processing' in an attempt to work out my own life. My adult brain tells me that I should not be feeling what I am feeling, so I try to logically convince myself that there is nothing to fear. The truth, however, is that I am still just a little kid afraid of a vacuum!
I think my daughters response to her fearful nightmare was such a beautiful picture of what it means to have childlike faith. My daughter didn't try to reason or handle her fear on her own, rather when confronted with something that frighten her she knew only one response... Daddy, daddy, daddy! Oh what I can learn from her!